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Preparation Course for ICC AST Installation and Retrofitting Exam (U5)

Petro Classroom's Preparation Course for ICC AST Installation and Retrofitting Exam (U5) is an online course that consists of nine chapters complete with all the topics you will need to know to pass the ICC Exam and/or state exam with confidence. Once you complete the course, there will be a final exam that you can take to practice for the real exam.

Note: Although this training course emulates the information and structure for the ICC exam, it is also a great course for contractors/tank workers that:


  • are required to take state certification exams

  • need a refresher for certification renewal

  • are tank worker trainees

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provides you with an overview of what the ICC AST Installation and Retrofitting Exam (U5) is about and all the resources you will need to take the ICC Exam, including where to locate all state and federal regulations.

Chapter 2: Pre-Installation Testing

This chapter covers the pre-installation activities including everything from obtaining permits to AST system layout and site preparation. 12% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 3: Foundations, Support and Protection

This chapter reviews the primary considerations in the design and installation of the foundations, support structures, anchoring devices and other protective measures necessary when installing ASTs.  6% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 4: Secondary Containment

This chapter covers secondary containment requirements for aboveground storage tank systems to include single wall tanks, product lines and dispensers.  We will also discuss the various leak detection systems required for aboveground tank systems.  10% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 5: Tanks and Equipment

In this chapter we will cover the numerous components of an AST system from the point of placing fuel in the tank to the point of dispensing fuel out of the tank.  We will discuss how various components add functionality, safety and compliance with the law and compliance with recommended practices. 16% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 6: Pumps and Valves

In this chapter we will take a close look at the specific equipment used to safely transport fuel and prevent releases in order to protect human health and the environment. 21% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section. 

Chapter 7: Piping Systems

This chapter covers piping and venting systems along with proper equipment selection and installation guidelines.  21% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 8: Health and Safety

In this chapter we discuss health and safety guidelines for all the activities that occur during the installation of an AST system.  The purpose of this chapter is keep everyone involved in the installation safe, as well as the public.  21% of the questions in the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 9: Taking the ICC Exam

In this chapter we will discuss cathodic protections requirements to protect buried metallic components from corrosion. 5% of the questions on the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.


Chapter 10: Test Methods and Testing Requirements

In this chapter we will discuss test methods and testing requirements to achieve the requirement to complete the required monthly leak detection for tanks and lines.  The material in this section comprises 6% of the test questions.

Chapter 11: Health and Safety

In this chapter will discuss the health and safety measures that need to be taken during the installation of an underground tank system. 15% of the questions on the ICC exam will be on the material in this section.

Chapter 12: Taking the ICC Exam

This chapter provides you with information on what will be covered when you take the ICC AST Installation and Retrofitting Exam (U5) along with strategies to help you pass the exam.

There will be quizzes interspersed throughout each chapter.  You will be able to review each quiz to determine what you answered correctly or incorrectly.  

There is also a final practice exam that will emulate what it is like to take the real exam.

Upon successful completion of the course, a “Certificate of Completion” will be issued as a downloadable PDF document.

Note: Petro Classroom's ICC Preparation Course is an excellent training tool. However, passing the exam requires the student to obtain and study the reference materials as well. Petro Classroom cannot guarantee a student passes the ICC exam, therefore the course is non-refundable.

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Address: 9237 Ward Parkway, Suite 220, Kansas City, MO 64114 

Phone: 844-303-6752


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